Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.
Divas and Trainer
The national Dressage Federation had a surprise for its members , for one of the high performance prestigious clinics a new Trainer was invited . it was a tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type instructor, the anticipation for the arrival of this eye candy individual had the same effect over the local Dressage Divas as Justine Bieber or Harry styles have over a whole lot of teenager girls in a pop concert.
The demand to participate in his clinics was so large that most lessens were shared group ones.
One of the sessions happened to consist of Divas only , due to obvious reasons the quality of dressage displayed by the participants was not of a very high standard , any attempt of the, tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type , instructor to get any of the students to preform a credible centre line resulted in 15 versions of this geometrically basic movement .
The federations high performance manager standing by the ,tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type, instructor in an embarrassed voice asked “what do you think what are you going to say or do?” to which the reply was well its irrelevant what I think do or say I am a dressage trainer giving a clinic I never say what I think or do what I say” . Some time later , the tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type , instructor instigated the penalty clause , for every non centre centre line , the offending Diva would remove an article of closing , hard hats and spurs exempt.
This move high lighted another 27 versions of possible interpretations of what a centre line is , with most of the ladies partaking revealing more and more exposed body parts.
At one point the ,tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type, instructors stopped the session and addressed the Dressage Divas “Ladies I have the impression that most of you are not here for the DRESSAGE “
The high performance manager by the side of the, tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type, instructor turned to him and said "Yoooooou should be hung.".
The, tall blond ever so good looking Scandinavian type , instructor lifted his darkened Ray Ban Sunglasses and stared directly at the performance manager and calmly replied “I am !! that why they ride like this”