Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.
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Yard chracters

Yard characters
One of the most amazing facts of the equestrian world is the similarity of characters and personalities between yards,Two yards can be million miles apart from each other, completely


The phone rings  at the At Mr Archi Smith Taylor  stud  farm .

"Can I speak to  Mr Archi Smith Taylor please "  the gentleman on the other side of the

It was Available

Robert J Lickley
As regard to your rant about the exuberant entry fees charged at one high profile show .
One well known dressage Diva took the matter with the show organizer/director .

What you learnt

"Junior Trainer" was having his annual lesson with "Senior Trainer".
Junior's body language and interaction said it all , it was clear that from his point of view this lesson was just a

New Wife

"Senior Trainer" was at his element.
He was coaching his wife towards the BD halt only championship (Rising optionable).
As usual the technical comments were intermingled with the customary,