Flossy is well known to many on the British Dressage Forum as a teller of interesting stories and perhaps the odd joke or two. We have selected a few tales for your pleasure.
Dependable people
Dependable people
Spending some time , at the Hickstead CDI , high lighted again what dependable lot of people WE dressage lot are.
With out the dependable people the sport will not be what it is.
Junior Riders can depend on the support of Dressage Fathers and Dressage Mothers, Top Competitors has Senior Trainers to depend on and what would Dressage Divas do with out the dependable Dressage Husband to be there when a test failed to go according to plan.
Not to be forgotten the show organizer and his dependable team of helpers.We can depend on them to pull all the stop to insures that the show will run like a British bank (from the old days)
and last but not least we can always depend on the judges for one of them to fuck up your SCORES.
In fairness to the judge that had a small judging “woopsie” British quarantine regulations prevented him from bringing his GUIDE dog with him.